Settings for the SMS for NetSuite app are controlled by a MessageMedia Preferences record. To set or adjust your preferences, create a new or edit the existing preferences record.
1. Navigate to MessageMedia SMS > Preferences > MessageMedia Preferences:
2. Next you need to configure a preference record:
A) Click on New MessageMedia - Preferences to create a new preferences record.
B) Click on Edit next to the record name to edit the existing record.
Important - only create one preferences record. Additional preferences records could cause errors. To update existing settings, edit the existing preferences record. |
3. Set the Default Dialing Country field:
Note - If you have contacts/records outside of your default country code you should make sure the phone number is in the correct international format (e.g. UK = +44 xx xxxx xxxx) |
4. Set the standard phone preferences fields listed below. The selected phone field will be used as the default when sending to the corresponding record type. If a preferred phone field is set to "Any" the app will send to the first phone number available in this order: Mobile, Phone, AltPhone, HomePhone, OfficePhone:
A) Preferred Phone (applied to Customer/Lead/Prospect) Additional custom phone entity fields can be added using the addition button where the ID of the field is entered. These will then appear for selection within the drop down list for the different record types.
B) Employee Preferred Phone
C) Partner Preferred Phone
D) Contact Preferred Phone
E) Vendor Preferred Phone
5. Select the Default Email Sender. This is the NetSuite user account that will be displayed as the sender for any email notifications. Setting a new user up with a distribution list email address or an email account that can be seen by appropriate users is advisable to ensure a quick response.
6. Select the Default Workflow Sender. This is the NetSuite user account that will be displayed as the sender for any workflow text messages. Setting a new user up that has a distribution list email address or an email account that can be seen by appropriate users is advisable to ensure a quick response.
7. Set the custom phone preferences fields below with the field ID of the custom field on the associated record containing the phone number for sending messages (see this NetSuite article for instructions on finding the field ID):
F) Transaction Contact Number Field (custom field on Sales Order record type)
G) Event Custom Phone Field (custom field on Events record type)
H) CRM Custom Phone Field (custom field on Case record type)
Note - the custom phone fields will only be used to send messages when a corresponding record type saved search is selected and "Use Custom Phone Field" checkbox is checked. For the above condition, the search will show the list of contacts and phone numbers from the custom field referenced on the related record. |
8. Set the MMS Attachment Folder field to the internal ID of the desired file cabinet folder to store media files received via MMS (see this NetSuite article for support with File Cabinet folders).
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