Creating a MessageMedia account is simple – register via our Audit4 partner sign-up page and follow the steps below. Please reach out to us at if you run into any difficulties.
The process is divided into four steps:
1. Sign-up
On the partner sign-up page, enter your details in the form on the right, create a password, and click Get Started:
You will then be sent a verification code to your mobile. Enter this into the portal to progress.
2. Plan Selection
Once your account has been created and verified, you will land in the web portal on the plan selection page. Select the plan which best suits your expected messaging volumes.
NOTE: The currency will automatically adjust depending on the mobile number you entered during registration (AUD is shown in the example below).
Enter the required details at the Plan Selection / Check Out and click Activate.
3. Creating Legacy API Credentials
Next you will need to create Legacy API credentials to connect the MessageMedia service to your existing software.
Go to Configuration, then API settings, and scroll down to the section labelled Legacy API Credentials where you should click on Create new key:
In the resulting modal, provide a username and password and click Create Key:
- We recommend the following format for Legacy API credentials:
- Lower case username (5 to 6 characters in length)
- Do not use special characters
- Password should be alphanumeric and include uppercase letters (6 to 50 characters in length)
Once your API Credentials have been created, you will see this confirmation:
Your API key will then appear in the list. If you need to change the password for your API key, just click on the Edit button:
4. Finalise SMS integration
Now that your MessageMedia account is activated and API credentials are created, contact S4S who will help to finalise the integration and demonstrate key features. They can be reached via 1300 133 308 or between 8.30am-5.30pm weekdays.
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