You can easily drop in the Chatbox to SMS code snippet onto your website if you’re using Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager is a solution provided by Google that allows for scripts and events to be easily tracked and managed without any code.
Check out the official Google documentation to learn more about Google Tag Manager.
To set up Chatbox to SMS using Google Tag Manager:
1. Log in to Google Tag Manager (
2. Go to the Tags menu and select the ‘New’ button
3. At the top of the fly-out, give the tag a name, like “MessageMedia Chatbox to SMS”
4. Click Tag Configuration and select Custom HTML from the resulting slide-out menu
5. Copy and paste your Chatbox to SMS code snippet here.
6. Then click on Triggering and select Window Loaded
7. Finally, click on save.
8. You have now setup the Chatbox to SMS widget to appear when your webpages have finished loading, so now you need to Submit and Publish these changes to make them live.
Click on Submit in the top-right:
9. Give your changes a name such as “Adding Chatbox to SMS” and a description for the changelog, then click the Publish button.
10. You have successfully added Chatbox to SMS to your website. Tag Manager will show you an overview of what has been changed.
11. Go to your website and you should see the Chatbox to SMS widget appear in the bottom right.
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