Ireland is the latest country to announce that it will become a sender ID pre-reg destination, according to the following roadmap in 2025:
- Q1 2025 - Registry Portal will officially launch. SIDOs can start registering their senders, on a first-come-first-served basis – we recommend early engagement
- July 2025 – Participating Aggregators will have to replace non-registered senders with something like ‘likely scam’ (exact replacement to be confirmed).
- October 2025 – Participating Aggregators will have to block traffic sent from non-registered senders.
The official ComReg information about this sender ID registration is the Overview of the Response to Consultation. Comreg has indicated that it will publish an Information Notice (IN) on the rollout of the Registry before the end of the year. The IN is to include an update on Implementation & Communications, Actions Needed & Next Steps.
Aggregators carrying Irish traffic wishing to be considered as Participating Aggregators (PA) must:
- If not already done so, register on the ComReg Electronic Register, Electronic Register of Authorised Undertakings (ERAU)
- Register as a Participating Aggregator (PA) in the Registry once the functionality is in place sometime in December, more information on this will be shared in due course.
Being a Participating Aggregator (PA) is the only way to ensure traffic won’t be blocked or be subject to sender ID replacement by July 2025. You can register on the ComReg Electronic Register now to save time down the line.
Comreg is still reviewing the concept of Independent Service Providers (ISV’s) i.e. a SIDO contracts a third party/ISV eg. CRM system, to send their messages on their behalf via a Participating Aggregator rather than send them directly) & how sender ID registrations will be handled for them, more information on this will be shared in due course.
Comreg is proposing that alphanumeric sender IDs must be in compliance with the following:
- have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 11 characters
- contain only permitted characters:
@ ! # % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [Space]
Characters with an Irish language fada (subject to technical feasibility). - not contain any other characters other than those permitted in the list above. Not permitted are characters with accents (E.g. è Ç), Greek letters (E.g. Ω Ψ) and include the following: £ $ “ ‘ ¡ €, with the exception of the Irish Fada which is permitted
- contain at least one letter (a-z A-Z)
- not contain predominantly numbers
- not be generic in nature (for e.g. ‘SMS’, ‘Verify’, ‘Doctor, ‘Dentist’, ‘Flowers’ etc)
- not be sensitive, offensive or obscene in nature
- not contain leading or trailing spaces
This Is a fast-moving space and we are getting information weekly. Once we have further information we will publish it here.
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