- Ruby installed
- A text editor
Step 1: Set up a Project
Rather than using rails for scaffolding a project we are going to write a standard ruby script and use bundler to include the library file. Make a new folder, and within that folder make a file for the sender and open it:
mkdir senderruby
cd senderruby
touch sender.rb
open sender.rb
Step 2: Install the SDK
While the prompt is inside the senderruby folder, we are going to install two packages. First the messages SDK:
gem install messagemedia_messages_sdk
Then the pp package to print results:
gem install pp
Step 3: Add the Code
Inside sender.rb add the following in the code:
require 'message_media_messages'
require 'pp'
include MessageMediaMessages
auth_user_name = '[YOUR_API_KEY]'
auth_password = '[YOU_API_SECRET]'
use_hmac = false
client =
auth_user_name: auth_user_name,
auth_password: auth_password,
use_hmac_authentication: use_hmac
messages_controller = client.messages
body =
body.messages = []
body.messages[0] =
body.messages[0].content = 'My first message'
body.messages[0].destination_number = '+614<phone_number>'
body.messages[0].delivery_report = true
body.messages[0].format = FormatEnum::SMS
result = messages_controller.send_messages(body)
pp result
rescue SendMessages400ResponseException => ex
puts "Caught SendMessages400ResponseException: #{ex.message}"
rescue APIException => ex
puts "Caught APIException: #{ex.message}"
Step 4: Send
Run the command:
ruby sender.rb
You’ve now sent a simple message with Ruby. Check out the API documentation and the Github repository to see what else you can do.
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