It's planned, from 31 October 2023, to restrict use of Alpha Tags/Alphanumeric sender IDs containing additional generic terms (and their character variations) when sending SMS messages to the UK.
The below table contains a definitive list of the Alpha Tags that are likely to be blocked.
1TimePin | Bank | Discount | NoReply | Repayment | SMSVerfiy |
2FA | Banking | Energy | Notify | Reply | Support |
Accept | Bill | Fraud | OneTimePin | Respond | System |
Access | Billing | Help | Order | Save | Text |
Account | Call | Info | OTP | Saving | Trace |
Active | Card | InfoSMS | OTPSMS | Scam | Track |
Admin | Caution | ISA | Package | Savings | Tracking |
Advise | Certify | Key | Parcel | Schedule | Trust |
Alert | Check | Loan | Pay | Secure | TXT |
Allow | CloudOTP | Login | Payment | Security | Update |
Allowance | Code | Logistics | Pin | Service | Updates |
App | Collect | LogMeIn | PinCode | Shipping | Validate |
Appointment | Collection | Logon | Post | Sign | Verify |
Approve | Confirm | Malware | Protocol | Signin | VerifySMS |
Approved | Contact | Message | Purchase | Signon | VerifyMe |
Auth | Control | Mobile | Ratify | SMS | Virus |
AuthMsg | Courier | Mortgage | Rebate | SMSAuth | Warn |
Authorise | Delay | MSG | Receipt | SMSCode | Warning |
AuthSMS | Deliver | MsgAuth | Refund | SMSInfo | Winner |
Aware | Delivery | Network | Reminder | SMSOTP |
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