You can create SMS Templates for any Salesforce Object that has a Phone field and Allows Activities.
Creating an SMS Template
Follow the instructions below to create an SMS Template.
1. Navigate to the SMS Templates tab in the Mercury SMS app.
2. Click on the New button:
3. Configure the template by setting the following fields:
A) Template Name - the internal reference for the template.
B) Object - the object the template will send against.
C) Sender account - the account the message will be sent from.
D) Sender ID - the phone number the message will send from.
E) Send to - the phone number the message will send to.
F) Override with User's Default Account - OPTIONAL
▶ if unchecked - the account is defined by the Sender account field.
▶ if checked - overrides the Sender account field with User's Default Account.
G) Related Object (if using a Merge Field) - this is the primary Object set on the template or a directly related object.
H) Merge Field - select the merge field you wish to use (e.g. First Name) to automatically insert the into the message area.
I) Template Folders - select the folder you wish to place the template into
J) Message - type the content of the message, including an attachment or merge fields if desired.
4. Once the SMS Template is complete, click Save template.
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