Message Templates are pre-built messages that can reference record fields in order to merge in personalized information. Message templates can be used to send individual and batch messages and are required for workflow triggered messages.
Creating a Message Template
In this example, we're going to create a template to send out to contacts in order to confirm some details in their records. We'll use data fields such as first name, as well as a couple of other fields from the customer record to apply to our template.
Hi {{Firstname}}. Please can you confirm that you are still with {{{company}}} and that your billing address is still {Address}? Many thanks.
1. Start by going to MessageMedia Templates
New Template
2. Choose the record type - this is basically telling the system which type of record we want to draw from - which in this case is the contact record because we want to use contact-specific information:
3. Next, name your template and then start to type your message in the template field.
If you want to include merge fields (i.e. data fields such as the contact's name), you can select from the Fields menu to add it to the message:
4. To automatically detect any Unicode characters in your template, click the toggle switch next to Highlight special characters to on, and any Unicode characters in your message will be highlighted:
Important - regarding Unicode characters, please be aware of the following:
5. Once you've completed your template, click Save.
Adding Custom Fields to your Templates
Below are the steps to add custom fields for templates as well as the quick add fields while sending SMS:
1. Start by going to Customization Lists, Records & Fields
Record Types:
2. Scroll down the list and select MessageMedia Metadata:
3. Hover over More and select View Records from the options that appear:
4. From the list, click Edit next to the record type to which you wish to add custom fields:
5. In the field list text box, add additional fields in the format "UniqueID:Label".
For each record, the first value is the Unique ID, then : (a colon), followed by the second value which is the Label.
For example, accessrole:Role
Fields are separated by commas, and you can add multiple fields like this: UniqueID:Label,UniqueID:Label,UniqueID:Label
6. Once you are done adding fields, click Save
Managing Templates
1. To see a list of your templates, go to MessageMedia Template
List Templates
2. From the Templates list you have the following options:
A) Search by Template name or content.
B) Preview the content of each template.
C) Sort by the last modified date.
D) Sort by the user who last modified templates.
E) We've added actions inline with each templates to Edit, View or Delete
I can't see the Templates item under the MessageMedia tab?
If you can't see the templates feature under the MessageMedia tab, your NetSuite account administrator will need to configure the following:
- User Permissions - add the MessageMedia Integrator (Managed) role to the user.
- Center Tabs - add a new Center Tab for Templates. This NetSuite article can guide you through creating Center Tabs.
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