To connect the application to your MessageMedia account, you'll need to configure API credentials.
Types of API Credentials
There are three types of API credentials:
- Global - this type of credential will be used for sending by any individual with access to the application and no individual credential assigned - think of this type of credential as the "default." There should only be one active global credentials record (per subsidiary, if applicable) at a time.
- Workflow - this type of credential is used when sending via workflows. There should only be one active workflow credentials record (per subsidiary, if applicable) at a time.
- Individual - this type of credential is used for individual users and will be the default for the assigned user when sending messages from the application. You can have as many active individual credentials as necessary, but only one credential should be assigned to each user at a time.
API Credential Prioritization
When sending an SMS message, the application will send using API credentials in the following priority:
1. Individual credentials
2. Global credentials
This means, if a user has individual credentials assigned, messages sent from that user will send using their individual credentials. If not, then the messages will be sent using the global credential.
Creating or Editing API Credential Records
1. Navigate to MessageMedia SMS > Preferences > MessageMedia API Credentials.
2. To create a new credential record, click the New MessageMedia - API Credentials button. To edit an existing record, click Edit next to the desired record.
3. Select the Credential Type - if you're not sure what to choose, you can review the types here.
4. If you're creating/editing an individual type credential, you'll also need to set the Credential User field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
5. In your MessageMedia account, create or retrieve the API key and secret. Make sure to save the credential information for use later on (for instructions on how to do this, see these articles).
6. Once you have your credentials, navigate back to the API credential record in NetSuite and enter the API Key & API Secret into the matching fields.
7. If you have a OneWorld NetSuite account, populate the Subsidiary field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
8. Click the Save button.
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