Everything you need to change parameters on your account can be found under Settings.
This area is segmented into the following items:
1. Account
2. Numbers & Channels
3. Billing
4. Sub Accounts - depending on your account setup and/or plan
5. Users - depending on your account setup and/or plan
6. API Settings
1. Account
Account Settings | General
The General tab is where you can manage your account details:
A) Account name and ID - pretty self explanatory really. You can edit your account name here, and copy your account ID if you need it (e.g. for support queries).
B) Account time zone - this is relevant when scheduling messages, reading reports, and using socially aware sending. Ideally this would reflect the time zone local to your account.
C) Automatic unsubscribe (opt-out) - here's where you set your opt-out keywords that recipients use to unsubscribe automatically from your messages.
D) Allow duplicate contacts - switching this to On means that if you import a contact more than once, multiple records will be created. We recommend leaving this off, but if you do need it switched on, you can submit a support request and our team will help you out.
E) Change or close my account - clicking this will present you with options to change your account or close it:
Account Settings | Security
The Security tab is where you can configure Single Sign-On (SSO):
Account Settings | Activity Log
The Activity Log tab is where you can view all the activity that has occurred in your Hub account:
2. Numbers & Channels
Numbers & Channels | Active
The Active tab, where you'll see all of the options for sender IDs and channels currently available or active for your account:
A) Social channels - this is a new feature currently available on an early access basis. It allows you to connect your social media channels (e.g. Facebook and Instagram) to your MessageMedia account. This will enable you to see messages and conversations from all your active channels in the one inbox in the hub. For more info on this, reach out to us.
B) Shared numbers pool - this is the standard default for most countries (not including the US). It's a shared rotation of mobile numbers to send messages from that allow customers to reply to your messages. The available action here is to request a dedicated number.
C) Dedicated numbers - these are unique, purchasable numbers that you can use to build familiarity and trust with your customers.
D) Alpha Tags - also known as alphanumeric sender ID's, these allow you to appear in your customer's inbox as your business name. There are several legalities and requirements surrounding Alpha Tags depending on what country you're sending to. You can read more about that here.
E) My mobile numbers - here you can manage the personal mobile numbers that you may wish to use to send and receive messages from in the hub (i.e. your messages will appear to send from your personal mobile number, and replies will appear both in the hub and on your own mobile).
F) Short codes - a requirement in some countries, this is a short number that customers can easily recognise as you. This option may not be available to all users depending on your country's legal requirements.
Numbers & Channels | Settings
The Settings tab is where you'll find all the options related to sending messages:
A) Default message template - this is where you can select a standard template to pre-populate every message with. E.g. a greeting, signature or opt-out message.
B) Socially aware sending - here's where you can limit the window in which SMS messages can be sent, so not to disturb your recipients outside of sociable hours.
C) SMS limit - this is where you can restrict the volume of messages that can be sent daily or monthly from your account. It's a great way to manage expenditure.
D) Default sender ID - this is the Sender ID that all messages will be sent from unless otherwise specified at the time of creating the message.
E) Short trackable links - Want to track click through on links you send with your message? Here's where you can enable or disable that ability. Read more about this here.
F) Email to SMS - this is where you'll find all your Email to SMS settings. You can read up all all that stuff here.
G) Always request delivery receipts - pretty much exactly as it says. With this turned on, you'll always get delivery receipts back from carriers when messages are successfully delivered. This is essential for reporting, so you should really only turn it off if you feel you need to.
3. Billing
Billing | Plan
The Plan tab is where you can view and manage your subscription, billing, and payment information:
A) Subscription Details - this is where you can view your account information relating to your subscription, including activating automatic payments. If you're on a Pre-Paid account, this is also where you can configure balance notifications and automatic top-ups (super handy if you don't ever want to run out of credit).
B) Billing Information - this is where you can view and edit your billing details, including the email address that all your downloads are emailed to.
C) Payment Methods - this is where you can add/update your payment details on file. You can add multiple payment methods to keep handy for any manual payments, as well as nominate a default for any automatic payments and pre-paid top ups.
Billing | Invoices
The Invoices tab is where you'll find your Invoice History:
4. Sub Accounts
The Sub Accounts section is where you can create and manage your Sub-Accounts:
Note - The Sub Accounts page may not be visible depending on your user permissions, account setup, and/or plan. |
5. Users
The Users section is where you can create and manage Users for your Hub account:
Note - The Users page may not be visible depending on your user permissions, account setup, and/or plan. |
6. API Settings
API Settings | API
The API tab is where you can create and manage API Credentials:
API Settings | Webhooks
The Webhooks tab is where you can create and manage your Webhooks:
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