In this article you will find how to set up a credit card payment, update your existing credit card details or change your details to a new credit card payment.
Important - in order to manage payment methods for your Hub account:
Set Up Credit Card Payment
1. To set up automatic payments, go to the menu and click on the icon, then select Billing:
2. Select the Plan tab.
3. In the Payment Methods section, click on the button for New payment method:
4. Select the Credit Card option, then enter your credit card details and click Add Card
5. Next, follow the prompts to verify your identity:
Your new payment details will now appear in the Payment Methods section.
Update Existing/ Add new Credit Card Details
1. To set up automatic payments, go to the menu and click on the icon, then select Billing:
2. Select the Plan tab.
3. In the Payment Methods section, click on the button for New payment method:
4. Next, select the payment method and follow the promps
A) Credit Card - enter the new credit card details and click Add Card, then follow the identity verification propts.
B) Direct Debit | AU & UK only - enter the bank details and click Add Bank Account, then click on Confirm to authorise the direct debit payments.
Note - If you get stuck, just refer back to the sections above for adding a new credit card or bank account. |
Your new payment details will now appear in the Payment Methods section.
5. To nominate your new payment details as the default method of payment, just click on the three dots next to these details and select Set as Default
6. To delete a non-default payment method, click on the three dots and select Delete:
- The default payment method can't be deleted.
- If you only have one payment method set up, this is automatically set as the default.
- To delete the default payment method, you'll first need to add or select an alternative payment method to Set as Default, then the option to delete the previous default will be available.
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